On June 30th 2020, the game was released on Steam by Zerodiv and City Connection. After initially only being available on the Nintendo eShop, the game was later released physically as part of the Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha compilation. The game was ported to the Nintendo Switch in 2018 by Zerodiv.
#Strikers 1945 3 poster android
See Strikers 1999/Strategy for secrets and advanced play strategies.įollowing its original arcade release in 1999, Strikers 1999 received an Android port in 2015. This doesn't end up mattering much as you can only ever get 2 options, so lining all of them up isn't as important as with other trace options. similar behaviour to those in the Gradius series). Note that unlike the other craft, AV-8's two side options directly follow the movements of the main ship, rather than simply flanking on either side (ie.Due to this, it's amongst the worst ships for scoring, but for survival, its flaws can be worked with for a ship that's really good at doing what it can do. Its the slowest ship in the game, even more than Stealth, so it necessitates heavy routing when compared to the other ships, and you will either have to let go of some medals or sacrifice enemy destruction if you want the most amount of points. It can use its super shot for stage portions with many Zako. Harrier has the most consistent main shot damage of any ship, and a very good bomb that let's you reposition very easily.

Unlike the other craft, the AV-8 is not locked into an animation for this attack and can move freely, although the total duration of the screen clear is much shorter.

Two large planes will carpet bomb the screen, clearing the screen of bullets and dealing damage to enemies. Options will disengage from the craft and independently seek out targets to attack. Missiles fired directly forward from the ship's two options. Shot: Two columns of purple projectiles aimed directly forward.A powerful ship with potential, just not a conventional one. It can fall back on its wide shot and Super Shot when you aren't able to move their faces, but the Super Shot itself is very tricky to use, having comparably low range to the other ships. They can also be used to cover multiple spaces at one due to their low speed, firing them before an enemy spawns in a location while you are covering another section of the screen. Due to how the game handles projectiles, they will repeatedly spawn if your distance between the enemy is small. To really make good use of it, the player must perform very aggressive shotgun strats. Stealth fires *very* slow projectiles and it's one of the slowest ships, this makes perform poorly when played in a regular way. Fully clears the screen of bullets and deals damage to enemies Options move forward and deal damage in two small circular aoes directly in from of the craft. Slow moving mines that explode on contact with enemies. Shot: An 8-way purple shot, flanked by an additional green shot on each side.After this, the ship becomes selectable by pressing UP on the random ship on the ship select screen.
#Strikers 1945 3 poster code
A 6th ship, the X-36, can be unlocked by entering the code 01999 in Maintenance Mode. Strikers 1999 offers 5 playable ships by default, each with their own playstyle and unique advantages. The precise effects of bombs are character-specific. Super attacks are character-specific, and can be charged up to 3 levels.īombs do not grant invincibility, but instantly clear enemy bullets and deal damage within specific areas of the screen.

Holding the A button releases a powerful attack which depletes the gauge. The super gauge is located at the bottom left of the screen, and is filled by killing enemies. Colliding with an enemy will reduce the shot power by one level, and losing a life will reduce the shot to its base level. After collecting two Power-Up items the shot is supplemented by a secondary attack, or sub-shot, which offers some additional screen coverage. This attack is upgraded by collecting Power-Up items, and reaches max power after 3 items have been collected. Basic attack performed by pressing the shot button.